I decided to choose a personal favorite for my lyrics analysis song. I chose CCR because I thought their band and music was very influential in the 60's era. Especially their hit song "Fortunate Son" which dealt with issues over the vietnam war. I find it interesting how bands would protest through their music. It was a an era that Americans will never forget, it was a part of history and in a way so was the music of that time.
The song contains many controversial lyrics. It basically states that because of the draft many unfortunate, poor, or school drop outs were forced to go to war. Whereas the rich children that were sons of government administrators were exempted from having to go. Some of the lyrics state this: "It aint me, it aint me, I aint no senator's son, son. It aint me, it aint me, I aint no fortunate one." Which continues to talk about how unfair it was in these times. These lyrics are very influential to me because it teaches me a piece of history through music. These lyrics are coming straight from the people that had to live in that time instead of my professors mouth. It impacts me much more this way. I don't think CCR or any other bands realized how much of an impact their music was going to have, and how we would still be talking about it today.