Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lyrics Analysis: CCR- Fortunate Son

I decided to choose a personal favorite for my lyrics analysis song. I chose CCR because I thought their band and music was very influential in the 60's era. Especially their hit song "Fortunate Son" which dealt with issues over the vietnam war. I find it interesting how bands would protest through their music. It was a an era that Americans will never forget, it was a part of history and in a way so was the music of that time.
The song contains many controversial lyrics. It basically states that because of the draft many unfortunate, poor, or school drop outs were forced to go to war. Whereas the rich children that were sons of government administrators were exempted from having to go. Some of the lyrics state this: "It aint me, it aint me, I aint no senator's son, son. It aint me, it aint me, I aint no fortunate one." Which continues to talk about how unfair it was in these times. These lyrics are very influential to me because it teaches me a piece of history through music. These lyrics are coming straight from the people that had to live in that time instead of my professors mouth. It impacts me much more this way. I don't think CCR or any other bands realized how much of an impact their music was going to have, and how we would still be talking about it today.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Academic Transformation exercise 8.3

List your top values that you hope will enhance your quality world and place them in order of importance with 1 being the most importance and 5 being the least important.

1. education
2. faith
3. family
4. accomplishment
5. success

Which values are connected to your list of dreams? explain.
They are all connected to my dreams because I need all these values to succeed in life. My ultimate goal is to succeed in anything that I do.

Ten Year Goals
Is this goal connected to a dream? YES
Is this goal connected to one of your values? YES

eduaction/ religious/ career/ health/ financial

Academic Transformation exercise 8.2

Dreams do come true.
state 5 dreams you hope to come true and why you would like them to come true.

1. Complete college- to be able to get a good job
2. Get a Job- to be able to support myself
3. Get married- so i could have a better half.
4. have a family- so my legacy could live on
5. Be successful- so i could be happy

DJ Chris Jackson

This past wednesday I attended A presentation held by Chris Jackson from the KFOX radio station. It was about how sex, drugs, and rock n roll has affected his life. He covered many interesting points and told many interesting stories. He told us how he became a successful radio station host by becoming a college radio station host first. He also told us about how he had dreams of becoming a rock star. He used to be in a rock band and traveled around california, but he decided to leave that life behind. He told us how crazy that life is and how much trouble you could get into if your not careful. He had a lot of run ins with drugs but his life did not get over run by them. He also had the time to answer many questions from the audience. Questions consisted of "Metallica or AC/DC?", "Who do you consider to be the best guitarist today?", and "What was the craziest thing you have experienced as a radio DJ?" Overall the presentation was really entertaining and I'm glad I attended it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Music List #2 (Extra Credit)

5. I Kissed a Girl- Katie Perry
Stupid lyrics; A girl ranting about kissing a girl and calls it music
4. Clumsy- Fergie
The lyrics are corny and pointless.
3. Crank That- Soulja Boy
It was such an over played song and it transformed a ridiculous dance into a trend.
2. Party Like A Rockstar- Shop Boyz
This song is constant and repetitive and seems like it will never end. The lyrics don't make sense.
1. Calabria- Enur Natasja
A song that is not even in english that has an akward beat.

Ch 7. Fever discussion

As I read Ch 7. of fever I came across a paragraph that caught my attention. I came across a paragraph that mentioned Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroes secret relationship. As I continued on with the paragraph it was revealed to be untrue. The reason they said this in the book was because when Elvis became the king of rock n roll he was the most imagined star to be compatible with the late marilyn monroe. There never was a real relationship but the public liked to imagine that there was. The reason for this is because Elvis was the only man that was seen like he could handle Monroes sexual attitude. I thought this was interesting because fans today still worship fans and constantly think about them. Celebrities has become such a large part of our society and it is interesting to know it has always been this way.

Interview with two seniors

I recently had the opportunity to interview two seniors from San Jose State. Their names are Greg and Shafique and they both happen to be in my bowling class so it was easy to get a hold of them. I asked them if they could sit down and answer a few questions one day after class. They agreed to my request so I recorded their responses.
I first asked both how their college experience has been since it is coming to an end. 

Greg responded, "My college experience has been great. It was everything that I expected and I don't regret anything."

Shafique said, "College has been great for me too, but I wish I could have been more involved my freshman year."

I then asked if they ever thought about or actually changed their major. They both told me that they never changed it. Greg wants to become a physical therapist and Shafique is majoring in civil engineering. Shafique told me that he did think about changing it, but he stuck with it and he is glad that he didn't change it.
I continued my questions and asked them what they would do differently if they had the chance. Greg went on by telling me he would of studied harder in college. There was a few classes that he slacked on by not studying and it effected him in the future. Shafique could not think of anything he would of done differently. I then decided to ask them what advice they could give me. Shafique told me to get involved and be social. Greg simply responded, " Just be cool."
After the interview ended I asked Greg what he meant when he said that to me. He better defined his response by telling me to keep my priorities straight before anything. Remember that school comes first, and then party after. I understood him better when he told me that.