Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Muse Workshop #2

I attended my final workshop last week. I entered the workshop with a negative attitude, but I left very satisfied. The workshop dealt the issues that are shown in cartoons. To my surprise the workshop was really informative and covered many important topics. We discussed the government issues that were found in an episode of Family Guy. Afterwards, everyone broke up into groups to discuss the episode. We all talked about equality and mentioned three philosophers that covered the social contract theory. Their names were John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jaques Rousseau. They each had different views on the subject. Locke had the theory that all people are born to be good, Hobbes thought the opposite, and Rousseau thought they are born to be blank slates. Our groups discussed them and their views, we eventually agreed after sharing our thoughts with other groups. I ended up learning alot on how our government works and how they are different from others. I am glad that I attended that workshop.

1 comment:

camccune said...

This sounds like it was a really interesting workshop. I'm glad you went.