Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Academic Transformation exercise 2.5

1. Personal Goal Statement
What is your rationale for creating this goal?
I have always wanted to learn how to play guitar.
is it realistic?
I like to think it is very realistic that i could learn to play. I have always wanted to and I hope it wouldn't be a waste of time.
Strategy 1:
Dedication is the key. When it comes to learning something new one needs to be persistent.
Strategy 2:
Practice everyday
Strategy 3:
Be persistent and try hard.

2. Social Goal Statement
What is your rationale for creating this goal?
I want to be more open with others.
Is it realistic?
yes, I already am a sociable person. I just need to learn to open up a little more.
Strategy 1:
Go out and find more friends
Strategy 2:
Be more open with the friends i already have.
Strategy 3:
Learn to trust more people.

3. Academic Goal Statement
What is your rationale for creating this goal?
There is always room to improve your academic career. I would like to learn how to study more and improve on test taking.
Is this goal challenging?
Yes, I have a hard time when it comes to improving in school because of my procrastination.
Is this realistic?
Despite my procrastination problem i believe it is possible for me to succeed with this goal.
Strategy 1:
Study more before tests
Strategy 2: 
Get a good nights rest before school.
Strategy 3:
Go to tutoring at least once a week.

1 comment:

camccune said...

I think your strategies are sound, especially your strategies for test-taking. That should help.