Sunday, September 21, 2008

Musical Memory

Music has been a part of my life for as long as I could remember. When I was younger I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I now. I remember I was raised under the influence of my father. I looked up to him so much, therefore whatever he listened to I would as well. His favorite music was of course from the 60's and 70's because that was the time period he was raised in. I was raised to love that music. I remember being a 9 year old boy singing along to everything from The Beach Boys to The Begees. I still have not forgotten my roots; I currently have all my oldies on my ipod where they can be easily reached whenever I want to reminisce. 
Now that I have grown up and I am able to decide what music I want to listen to, I would have to say that my taste in music has changed, but not too much. I continue to listen to oldies, but I also found out that I really like hip hop, rock, and rn&b. Music is very influential in young peoples lives. I couldn't imagine a world without music, it would be like a world without speech. Music is such a beautiful talent and way to bring peace to people. It is no longer a trend, but more like part of our culture. Millions of people now own ipods and never leave home without them. Music makes me happy and I will continue to venture out and discover new sounds that intrigue me.

1 comment:

camccune said...

I know what you mean -- my mom was a big musical influence on me. She sang along with the radio a lot when I was a kid, so I did too. In fact, I still do.