Monday, September 22, 2008

Tips For Success #2

I am back this week to enlighten my fellow bloggers with another tip for success. I hope my last tip was useful to some of you out there. If it wasn't then hopefully this one will: SAY NO TO PROCRASTINATION. Procrastination may be the single most effective attitude that cripples students from succeeding. This is a shame since Procrastination is just a pure form of laziness. Now I am admitting this to be able to relate with my fellow bloggers, but I myself am a dreaded procrastinator. I have had this "sickness" ever since I was in 6th grade. The cure is simple. All you have to do is have a little self discipline and get your work done. It is better to get all your work done first, and then go hang out with your friends. This tip also works with my last tip. Organize your time efficiently and get your work done. So remember say no to procrastination and yes to getting your work done.

1 comment:

camccune said...

But there are so many ways to procrastinate! It can be so hard to just say no. (I know - I also tend to procrastinate.)

I like your tip about doing your homework before you do something fun, like hang out with your friends. A good plan.