Monday, October 6, 2008

Academic Transformation exercise 5.1

1. I tend to keep to promises I make to myself: Almost always/sometimes
2. I tend to keep promises I make to others: Almost always/sometimes
3. I do not need others to make me honor my commitments: Almost always
4. I like setting realistic academic goals for the semester:Almost always
5. I look at the difficult college courses as a challenge and growth opportunity: 3 Sometimes
6. I feel a strong sense of commitment to my college 
institution: 2 Sometimes/Almost never
7. I attend all my classes regularly: 4 Almost always/Sometimes
8. I meet with my instructors on a regular basis outside of class: 1 Almost never
9. I study regularly and enough to be successful in college: 2 Sometimes/Almost never
10. I seek out others who can help me to be successful 
in college: 4 Almost always/Sometimes
11. I am appropriately involved in collegiate extracurricular activities: 1 Almost never
12. I like being a college student: 5 Almost always

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